General Interest Application

Join our general applicant pool and be considered for future roles. Our team may reach out in the future if your profile is the right fit for an opening on one of our teams. Submitting your information here will allow us to contact you as soon as a new position opens up.

About Open Lunar

Open Lunar is a 501 (c)3 founded in 2018 by a group of respected new space executives, astronauts and scientists after four years of discussion and analysis. After conducting a plethora of activities and programs from 2018-2021, in 2022 the founding team retrofitted the organisation readying it for succession. They set up an innovation process styled off RnD/venture studio models. Today, Open Lunar’s project pipeline is a robust representation of the needs of the sector, chosen by the sector itself. Open Lunar has garnered a strong international reputation and is the leading nonprofit for lunar issues globally. With a rigorous and streamlined set of systems and strong backing, these roles we’re hiring for will leverage the foundations we have today to help scale the organization 3X. Learn more about our impact by reading the 2024 Annual Report.

Vision & Culture Fit:

We need people who are fully aligned with the power of our strategy and ready to dive in.

→ Open Lunar exists to build peaceful and cooperative lunar futures. 

→ We pursue intentional precedent-setting around issues such as resource management, shared infrastructure, transparency and access, and coordination protocols.

→ We are building an ecosystem of interlocking lunar infrastructure and utilities to advance responsible stewardship, inclusivity, and cooperation in lunar exploration and settlement. 

→ We believe that if cooperative, open infrastructure systems—like information sharing, resource agreements, and coordination protocols—are implemented effectively on the Moon, they can inspire new solutions to some of Earth’s biggest challenges.

The amazing humans on our team thread this needle through the complexity of the sector, and the successful candidates will see the need and the opportunity we see.

How We Work

Open Lunar operates as a fully remote global team working across the PT, ET, and CET time zones. This distributed approach allows us to bring together the best talent regardless of location while maintaining collaborative momentum.

We offer competitive compensation based on factors including location, experience, and qualifications. Our hiring process is structured around organizational and project needs, with periodic recruitment cycles that align with our strategic objectives.

In addition to full-time staff positions, we hire for:

  • Part-time roles across communications, projects, and organizational support.

  • Contractual support positions tailored to specific initiatives.

  • Annual fellowship opportunities lasting 6-8 months that provide an immersive experience in lunar policy and technology development.

Our flexible approach to hiring allows us to build the right team for each challenge while providing multiple pathways to contribute to our mission of building peaceful and cooperative lunar futures.

Basic Skills Requirement

  • You must be comfortable working remotely using Slack, G Suite, Zoom and being flexible to take occasional calls outside typical work hours as needed.

  • A deep understanding of the space industry or a passion for working in the industry. 

  • Fluent English

Apply below for the general interest application!