Leading research on critical lunar challenges
Open research is conducted by our experts, with all findings released in the public domain.
A Community Certification for Lunar Exploration
Community input can benefit the varied goals and aspirations for humanity’s exploration of the Moon. Involving the community shapes the conversation to ensure lunar exploration efforts reflect our shared values. It is critical to ensure this input does not impede but enhances the rapid pace of innovation in research and exploration that will be occurring over the next decade. Exploration is a human pursuit, and it benefits the community to determine the values enshrined in this extraterrestrial adventure. As humanity expands its presence on the Moon, determining a participatory process drives intent to the goal of doing so as in the image of humanity.
Cooperative Landing Pads- Enabling the Highway to Space Exploration
This research outlines the need for a coordinated effort to build lunar landing pad infrastructure, and it addresses logistics considerations, and design elements, performs a case study on the return on investment, and explores the various cooperative business structures.
An Open Dashboard for Lunar Power Candidate Standards
This whitepaper outlines the possibility of an Open Dashboard for Lunar Power Candidate Standards as a way to keep track of the progress achieved under any standard being proposed for future missions and allow standard implementers to coagulate around what is most needed, most easily proven, and most readily made available by the industry.
Lunar Accidents, Incidents, and Issues Reporting System (LAIIRS)
This report outlines the necessity and proposed concept for a Lunar Accidents, Incidents and Issues Reporting System (LAIIRS), a comprehensive multi-stakeholder community-led platform aimed at documenting and sharing knowledge about accidents, incidents, and issues associated with lunar activities.
A Brief on Lunar Coordinated Time
Implementing Lunar Coordinated Time (LTC) is more complicated than you think. Doing it right means involving all stakeholders―public, private, military, civilian, and commercial―and allowing it to be independent of UTC.
Prototyping a Lunar Registry of Missions, Objects, and Activities
This report expands on Open Lunar's foundational analysis of the historical and political context for the development of a Lunar Registry by providing detailed, actionable recommendations in several key areas.
Possibilities for a Local Lunar Time Standard
This paper explores the characteristics of a common reference timing signal to serve future lunar operations. The goal is to identify a low-cost, transparent approach to the development of a Local Lunar Time Standard.
Bright Moon - Creating a Global Registry of Lunar Activities
This white paper explores the creation of a dedicated Lunar Registry to catalogue critical mission details such as the launching state, operating actor, location, time, and more.
Bright Moon - Creating a Global Registry of Lunar Activities, Executive Summary
A Lunar Registry designed to encourage global multi-stakeholder participation and representation, based on consensus-building and inclusion, offers a tool to foster openness, trust, transparency, representation and social responsibility for all. This is the executive summary of a longer whitepaper.
Res Luna: Resource System and Governance Approaches
In this report below, we outline a selection of options for pragmatic approaches to governance that could emerge for each resource system, with the specific goal of highlighting alternatives to a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach.
Scarcity of Lunar Resources - Scorecard & Case Study
The objective of the scorecard is to provide a starting point for evaluating the relative scarcity of specific lunar and outer space resources with current information. Through this evaluation, resource systems that are inherently vulnerable or at risk of becoming scarce are easier to prioritize for management.
Scarcity of Lunar Resources - Policy Brief
Cross-sectional collaboration to adopt a resource management framework addressing scarcity in a way that fairly balances the interests of all stakeholders - small and large, rich and poor, present and future - would be a fantastic policy base on which to build a space economy.
From Toxic to Noble Competition: Implementing A New Perspective of Antitrust in Outer Space based on Ethics and Beyond
The envisaged goal here is to channel competitive market forces from a race to the bottom (toxic competition) towards a race to the top (noble competition) through a series of incentivizing measures by activating the higher ethical principles of space law.
Safety Zones for Lunar Activities under the Artemis Accords
This study reviews the history and principles behind safety zones in outer space and other domains. It reviews the requirements such zones place on operators and the obligations they can create for other states and actors.
Lunar Zoning: A Pragmatic Exploration of Zoning Options for the Moon
The success of a lunar settlement will be significantly and quantifiably tied to the presence or absence of pragmatic zoning policy. Zoning and land use policies can improve the efficiency of infrastructure and cost effectiveness of development.
ISRU: Lessons Learnt from Mining Governance in Africa
This research considers an economic model that addresses the possible lunar needs for an emerging and integrated African continent, and a determined and curious globe.
Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures for Lunar Security
Eliminating mistrust and building confidence between states is crucial now more than ever, with lunar ambitions emerging from different nations simultaneously. TCBMs will be critical to preserve security on the Moon and ensure that activities continue to be conducted “exclusively for peaceful purposes”.
Stakeholder Interests in Lunar Governance Study: Final Report
The aim of the study was to identify the prioritization and intensity of the foundational interests of respective stakeholder groups, and to assess how the different governance scenarios fulfilled each respective interest.
Lunar Spaceport Architectures and Design Spaces
This is an architectural and conceptual exploration through geometry, mechanism, and concept of operation (CONOPS) for a new look at lunar spaceports. The report showcases four fully developed concepts across four extreme sets of assumptions.