Leading research on critical lunar challenges

Open research is conducted by our experts, with all findings released in the public domain.

Open Lunar Open Lunar

Space Tenure: The Policies of Sustained Lunar Presence

Sustained presence in outer space requires a categorical shift in thinking, going beyond “exploration” to think instead about tenure: policies rooted in experience, lessons learned from historic engagements with frontiers, and long term thinking, in order to construct strong foundations and longevity of presence.

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Open Lunar Open Lunar

Lunar Resources Policy Recommendations

This new province of humankind is closer than ever. The Outer Space Treaty (OST) continues to provide the foundations for our activities in outer space. General guidance must now become specific, and we must figure out those specifics with diverse voices, together.

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Open Lunar Open Lunar

Primer: Existing Norms & Rules on the Moon

This Backgrounder on lunar norms is intended to succinctly summarize the norms (rules, laws, principles, and guidelines) applicable to lunar activities (whether governmental or nongovernmental). Although legal in nature, it should be understandable to those without a legal education.

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Open Lunar Open Lunar

Primer: Policy Analogs and Creating Lunar Futures

Policy analogs enable the application of insights from familiar domains to new contexts—referencing physical, legal, procedural, or economic properties that are shared between the source and target domains. Here, we introduce an array of potential analogs for lunar governance and summarises their uses and limitations.

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