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Explore news and perspectives on the Moon and lunar industry. Our blog publishes announcements and news, research, and expert views.
2024 Lunar Registry Stakeholder Engagement: Building a Foundation for Cooperative Exploration
During 2024 Open Lunar engaged over 150 stakeholders to gauge their receptivity and gather valuable feedback to inform the next phase of the Lunar Registry project. Read more about activities conducted and key takeaways.
Building the Future: Collaborative Lunar Landing Pad Infrastructure and Its Role in Accessible Space Exploration- Part II
Building on Part-I of the blog, we delve deeper into landing pad infrastructure, drawing inspiration from Earth's airports and seaports and outlining key design principles, emphasizing safety, efficiency, and standardization.
Building the Future: Collaborative Lunar Landing Pad Infrastructure and Its Role in Accessible Space Exploration- Part I
Thesis: A cooperative lunar landing pad is possible through collaboration and leveraging of historical design factors
Towards a Community-led Lunar Accidents, Incidents, and Issues Reporting System (LAIIRS)
Open Lunar Foundation has decided to build on its past work on the Lunar Registry of Objects and Activities to investigate the creation of a community-led Lunar Accidents, Incidents, and Issues Reporting System.
Envisioning the Future of Lunar Exploration: A Community Review of Lunar Payloads
A community review for Lunar payloads aims to capture diverse perspectives and insights from within the community and serves as an avenue to receive feedback from the community, provide stop-gap regulation and incentivize good behaviour as the number and complexity of Lunar missions grow.
The Case for Lunar Power Standards
Standards have contributed to our growth and prosperity, making possible entire industries that constitute the backbone of the modern, globalized world.
Introducing Prototype and Proposal of a Lunar Registry of Objects and Activities- Event Recording
Introducing Prototype and Proposal of a Lunar Registry of Objects and Activities! The Lunar Registry aims to create a comprehensive database of Lunar objects and activities.
How the Astra Carta can Transform Space Governance
The Astra Carta, a joint statement of intent towards space sustainability, was launched on 28 June by King Charles. The Open Lunar Team and Directors played a central role in the development of the Zero Draft,.
Building Lunar Security and Cooperation Through an Astropolitcal Lens- how to construct normative behaviours on the moon- enter the registry
Norms, particularly transparency, are needed to stabilise competition and promote cooperation on the Moon.
Open Lunar Timekeeping Project Blog Post Series: Blog 2
A cooperative, decentralized network of timekeeping devices could offer an agile, affordable approach to supporting an ecosystem of actors in cislunar space.
How a Lunar Registry Can Increase Mission Success
A voluntary Lunar Registry would not replace or render governmental or intergovernmental registries obsolete.
Open Lunar Timekeeping Project Blog Post Series: Blog 1
This research is focused on considering possible architectures for an open and independent time standard for cislunar space.
Building Lunar Security and Cooperation Through an Astropolitical Lens- Why Normative Behaviours are Needed for Lunar Activity
Normative behaviours are integral to fostering a coherent community of actors and promoting peace and stability for existing treaties and aspirational goals.
Incentives and Barriers to Corporate Engagement with the Lunar Registry
The blog explores the incentive structures that would enable commercial participation in a Lunar Registry through a series of related posts.
Last-mile Analogies for a Lunar Communications Network
There is an opportunity for actors interested in entering the lunar communications space to learn from the best practices of network infrastructure providers (ISPs/IXPs), as well as the open source community.
Polycentricity for Governance of the Moon as a Commons
The Moon is a common in the economic sense and therefore primed for polycentric governance.
Identifying Governance Challenges for Nuclear Energy on the Moon
As countries and companies look to expand economic and scientific activities to the Moon and beyond, the performance advantages of nuclear energy underlie renewed interest in the technology, and iterative development of national and international law is needed to establish sustainable governance.
An Introduction to Space Antitrust
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the hidden power of antitrust into shaping a sustainable space ecosystem in the future and to ensure that space commerce, and hence the emerging “lex mercatoria spatialis” adheres to the higher principles of international space law.
Lunar Resource Management: Applying Public Choice Theory
In 2020, Open Lunar kicked off a small working group looking at the application of public choice theory and political economy scholarship to resource management in the lunar context.