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Explore news and perspectives on the Moon and lunar industry. Our blog publishes announcements and news, research, and expert views.
Introducing Open Lunar Fellows and Research Priorities 2024- Event Recording
Introducing Open Lunar Fellows for 2024! If you missed the event, check out the recording below to meet the next cohort, get to know the incredible individuals who will be spearheading our research initiatives in 2024 and delve into the captivating world of lunar exploration and discover our new areas of research.
Thanks For All the Fish
After 6 years of growth and success, our co-founder and co-leader, Chelsea Robinson is stepping out of her roles at Open Lunar. Read the key takeways and highlights of her time at Open Lunar.
2023 In Review: Building Momentum Towards Lunar Impact
The highlights of 2023, and what's upcoming in 2024.
Introducing Our Affiliate Program: How We’re Connecting Disciplines to Inform our Work and How You Can Get Involved
Learn how we are bringing together diverse minds to foster and nurture innovative research and projects that promote lunar stewardship through this affiliate program.
Our Independent Project Evaluation Process
Twice a year, we take a pause on coaching to evaluate the current direction, level of support, and future outlook of our projects. This piece will explain how we conduct this process and the important role of outside evaluators.
Announcing Open Lunar Fund-a-Fellow 2024 Campaign
The Fund a Fellow campaign is back. This fall we will be highlighting our fellowship program through an exciting campaign #fundafellow.
Turning 33 Ideas into 7 Fellowships in 2023
Collaboratively developing ideas into hunches was a major milestone in Open Lunar’s development. Find out how we applied this approach to developing our 2024 Hunches.
Deciding Where We Invest
Open Lunar's focus is creating impact toward a future on the Moon that we are all proud of, not just adding more to the lunar ecosystem for the sake of its growth. This post expands on the beginning of our innovation process
How the Astra Carta can Transform Space Governance
The Astra Carta, a joint statement of intent towards space sustainability, was launched on 28 June by King Charles. The Open Lunar Team and Directors played a central role in the development of the Zero Draft,.
Creating Lunar Stewardship - Behind the Scenes of our Innovation Process
This year, Open Lunar has worked to codify and clarify our process to multiply our impact, enhance our focus, engage more people, and provide more certainty, so our engine of innovation can thrive.
What We Do On the Moon Can Transform How We Live On Earth. It Starts With Community.
Open Lunar has the potential to drive the creation of an approach to Lunar settlement that puts stewardship first.
Launch Event Video: Bright Moon - Creating a Global Registry of Lunar Activities
This event marked the launch of the Registry Project White Paper which provides an insightful exploration of the creation of an open, transparent, and dedicated lunar registry that will catalogue crucial mission details such as launch state, operating actor, location, time, and more.
Launching the Lunar Policy Handbook: Guiding Responsible and Sustainable Development of the Moon
The Lunar Policy Handbook is a reference guidebook for government personnel and private actors in the space industry.
Building Lunar Security and Cooperation Through an Astropolitcal Lens- how to construct normative behaviours on the moon- enter the registry
Norms, particularly transparency, are needed to stabilise competition and promote cooperation on the Moon.
Open Lunar Timekeeping Project Blog Post Series: Blog 2
A cooperative, decentralized network of timekeeping devices could offer an agile, affordable approach to supporting an ecosystem of actors in cislunar space.
How a Lunar Registry Can Increase Mission Success
A voluntary Lunar Registry would not replace or render governmental or intergovernmental registries obsolete.